en.js 3.2 KB

  1. // 英文
  2. import enLocale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en'
  3. const en = {
  4. request: {
  5. loading: 'Loading',
  6. timeout: 'Request timed out',
  7. fail: 'Failed to get data'
  8. },
  9. route: {
  10. dashboard: 'front page',
  11. bcms: 'host management',
  12. broadcast: 'host list',
  13. liveDuration: 'Live streaming statistics',
  14. liveDurationDetail: 'Single live broadcast data details',
  15. agentms: 'agency management',
  16. agent: 'agency list',
  17. anchor: 'agency subordinate host list',
  18. bms: 'cash statistics',
  19. pearl: 'total pearl statistics'
  20. },
  21. mod_password: 'change Password',
  22. logout: 'sign out',
  23. welcome: 'Welcome to the management system!',
  24. // *********按钮区***********
  25. search_btn: 'Inquire',
  26. export_excel_btn: 'Export to Excel',
  27. mod_btn: 'edit',
  28. add_btn: 'new',
  29. cancel_btn: 'Cancel',
  30. save_btn: 'save',
  31. confirm_btn: 'confirm',
  32. main_btn: 'operate',
  33. day_1: '1 day',
  34. day_3: '3 days',
  35. day_7: '7 days',
  36. lately_week: ' last week',
  37. lately_one_month: 'last month',
  38. lately_three_month: 'last three months',
  39. day_infinitely: 'Permanent ban',
  40. day: 'day',
  41. hour: 'hour',
  42. minute: 'minute',
  43. // *********常用输入限制***********
  44. maxlength_20: 'Up to 20 characters',
  45. maxlength_50: 'Up to 50 characters',
  46. // **********消息提示**********
  47. modify_success_message: 'Successfully modified',
  48. submit_success_message: 'Submitted successfully',
  49. user_type: {
  50. name_0: 'user',
  51. name_1: 'host',
  52. name_2: 'agent'
  53. },
  54. user_new: {
  55. name_0: 'no',
  56. name_1: 'yes'
  57. },
  58. ...enLocale,
  59. user_id: 'User ID',
  60. user_id_placeholder: 'Please enter user ID',
  61. user_name: 'Nickname',
  62. user_name_placeholder: 'Please enter user nickname',
  63. user_real_name: 'actual name',
  64. user_phone: 'Phone number',
  65. order_by_desc_placeholder: 'Please select a sorting method',
  66. idcard: 'identity number',
  67. close: 'close',
  68. checkAll: 'select all',
  69. user_language_lable_option_1: 'Chinese',
  70. user_language_lable_option_2: 'English',
  71. user_language_lable_option_3: 'Indonesia',
  72. user_language_lable_option_0: 'Global',
  73. user_language_lable_option_4: 'Malay',
  74. user_language_lable_option_5: 'Arabic',
  75. diamond_type_option_1: 'income',
  76. diamond_type_option_2: 'expenditure',
  77. pay_at: 'transaction hour',
  78. log_change_type: 'Flow type',
  79. diamond_type: 'Transaction Type',
  80. id_type_placeholder: 'please choose',
  81. form_rules_required: 'Required',
  82. rule_not_empty: 'Can not be empty',
  83. rule_mobile: 'please enter the correct phone number',
  84. rule_email: 'Please enter correct email',
  85. rule_start_date: 'Please select a start date',
  86. rule_end_date: 'Please select an end date',
  87. rule_date: 'Please select a date',
  88. rule_select: 'Please choose one',
  89. rule_number: 'Please enter a numeric value',
  90. rule_number_pot: 'Please fill in the number, up to 2 decimal places',
  91. rule_id_number_empty: 'ID number cannot be empty',
  92. rule_id_number_error: 'ID number is incorrect',
  93. rule_int_number: 'Please enter an integer',
  94. rule_confirm_password: 'Inconsistent password entered twice',
  95. rule_code: 'Mobile verification code',
  96. rule_zh_mobile: 'Currently only mobile phone numbers in mainland China are supported',
  97. rule_password: 'Length must between 6 and 18 characters',
  98. rule_upload_imgs: 'Please select an image'
  99. }
  100. export default en